I was on the train reading my book about the 7 spiritual laws of yoga when I was suddenly inspired to take up writing about myself in my blog :) It's been a long time, and the three people who follow this blog already know what's been going on in my life. On the off-chance that someone else starts to follow - I hope that you like what I have to say.
I have been an endless journey for peace and fulfillment in my life. I am (generally) a good person, I try to do right by others, help when I'm needed (and when I'm not), and try to refrain from being harmful to anyone or anything. You would think that this alone would make me feel good about life in general - but there has always been something just not quite right. I know it has to do with how I view myself and some questions that I always seem to have like: Who Am I? and What do I want?
So, I'm reading my book on the train. The chapter I'm reading centers around your body, mind and soul and how they are all connected to one another and the universe around you. The author states that "the ego seeks security through control and often has a deep-seeded need for approval. Most emotional pain is the results of your ego being offended because something that it believed it had control over was actually outside your jurisdiction" - Deepak Chopra. He goes on to say that whenever we solely identify with our ego, we bind ourselves to things that do not have permanent reality. This may be an attachment to a job, relationship, a body or a material possession. It could also be an attachment to a belief or view you have about something.
The goal is to be able to detach yourself from these things - to find your bliss in this way. He's not advising you go get a divorce and live by yourself in the woods - but I do think that all of us get caught up with only identifying with our ego. This is not to be confused with being conceited, which is often what people think when they hear the word egotistical, but in that we define ourselves by things that we manifest and things that are not permanent. If we lost the ability to walk, we would still have our soul. If we lost our jobs, would change as a person?
Who are we when we do not attach labels to ourselves? Who am I when I learn to let go?